Black friday at work was the worst work day in history i believe, so afterwards, still exhausted and unshowered, Becky drove over for some PB & chocolate cereal crunchin and The Life Aquatic.
I liked thanksgiving this year. We didn't go to my aunts this year cause she didn't invite us so my parents invited over some freaky friends whom i have never met before and it just wasn't anything family like. We aren't even American...
So this year i celebrated it with Silvana (two euros with freaky euro parents, figures huh?) , and i could say it was the One years win out of five so far.
We made some vegan gnocchi's with spinach and vegan pumpkin cheesecake that was DELICIOUS!
then we snuggled up on her comfy couch to watch a movie with bunny cuteness =]
100% ready to get done with this work weekend and feel some weakness in my knees for a few days, packing clothes and all the chocolate i got for Zach and myself into my bag and melting into my new fantastic flannel sheets which were so hard to leave this morning.